
We are always looking for volunteers to help us out at the Study Abroad Fair, Study Abroad Table talks, and with class visits so please let us know if you would be able to help.

Study Abroad Fairs

It’s that time again! Yet another fair is upon us and we’d greatly appreciate your valuable help in volunteering. You only need to bring your enthusiasm and good cheer.

 21st Annual Study Abroad Spring Festival, Friday, January 19, 2024 

Please mark it on your calendars and join us! Contact us with your name, program(s) you did, and the time between 8:30 and 4 you’re available to help out.

Thanks again!

Class Visits

Interested in visiting classes and represent the Study Abroad program as an alumni?


Went on study abroad and now you want to donate a little bit so that another person can experience a new adventure like you did?